Monday, August 9, 2010

Free Day

Yesterday was my eat-what-I-want day.  I had my usual Starbucks breakfast, and a happy meal for lunch.  We had dinner with friends, and lucky for me they cooked health-friendly stuff: grilled honeymustard chicken, boiled potatoes, corn, broccoli, and salad.  There were cupcakes and angel food cake with strawberries/lite whipped cream for dessert.  I would like to say I stuck to the angel food cake and strawberries, but I had a cupcake ... or two.  Or was it three?

But I hear laughing burns up some calories, and we sure did a lot of that while playing the game "Buzz Word." 

Today I'm back on track.  Aiming for another two pounds this week. 

In just a few minutes I'm going to the upstairs cafeteria and order two eggs, 1 piece of wheat toast, a 1/2 cup of grits, and some fruit.  That will be about 400 calories, and the protein will help keep away hunger.

Lunch will be a chicken cobb salad and a peach.  Dinner will probably be cereal, milk, bananna, and a toasted English muffin.  Too darn hot to go out, and too darn hot to cook.  It's a code orange day and my lungs already feel it. 

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