Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Blip

Last night I got a last minute invitation to dinner at the new Hibachi buffet in Central Park. 

Now the universe was trying to tell me something.  Eddie had an appt at 6:00.  It is always an hour long, and normally he's out right on time.  However, the appointment ran late, and I called telling the others to go ahead without me because I wasn't sure when he was getting out.  But they waited, and we ended up meeting them at about 7:30 pm.  

It was a huge buffet, and I took my time, like the skinny people supposedly do, and looked at everything they had before making my choices.  I settled on grilled or steamed stuff, with the exception of 3 small shrimp tempura looking things.  I was feeling pretty good about myself, but then some little round things with powdered sugar caught my eye.  Little doughnuts. 

Oh God.

3 little doughnuts, and a miniature sized square of a tiramisu later, I got up from the table. 

Feeling the sodium creeping into my veins and my body swelling with immediate water gain, I managed to waddle to the car without orbiting into space like Harry Potter's unfortunate helium-filled aunt.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Hey! I don't think that sounds too bad. If all that other stuff was grilled and steamed, how much damage could you really have done with 3 little doughnuts and a tiramisu?? Not bad at all. You could've gone off the edge with fried and saucy things, but you didn't!!! You did well!