Thursday, August 19, 2010

Craving Responsibly

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I was good for breakfast and for lunch.  But the spaghetti and meatballs were calling my name.  I mean how could I resist, really, when today's special in the cafeteria was chicken parmesan with a side of spaghetti and garlic bread?  Not to mention that someone brought in a plate into our office and starts chowing down.  Oh the aroma! 
So I decided I would give into my craving, but try to be smart about it.  I remembered I had eaten spaghetti at Olive Garden before, but ate half and filled up on double the salad, no croutons, lite dressing.  So that's what I did tonight, with only one addition -- one meatball.  I know it was extra calories, but it's better than eating two, right??!!!  And I got the craving taken care of. 

Now hopefully I won't have to do damage control tomorrow.  Oh, how I HATE damage control!

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Christina said...

Sometimes you just have to give in to the craving or you will go buck wild and binge (well, at least I do!) I think you handled it very well!

Christina said...

Hey, Heather! I was surfing the web and I found this other weight loss blog. You should check it out. It's