Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Woodrow Wilson continued

I was experiencing problems yesterday with this blog site and wasn't able to finish the Woodrow Wilson entry. 

To make a long story short, it ended up very well.  We met with his counselor, who was a very nice guy, but gravely informed Eddie, in our presence, that there would be no sex on campus -- that there was an elementary school down the street and therefore considered special property, and if anyone was found having sex on the surrounding property that they would be prosecuted and forever be on the sex offender register.  Jeez Louise.  Poor Eddie.  He just nodded his head very seriously at the counselor. 

There seemed to be three groups of  kids -- kids like Eddie -- neat, clean, friendly and polite.  Then there was a group of quiet ones.  And the group that I most worried about -- the mohawk wearing, cigarette smoking, sneering group hanging outside the dorm.  I told Eddie to try to make friends with the kids in the yellow shirts -- they were the student ambassadors, and were the ones helping the new students find everything.  I noticed several girls checking Eddie out, and one in particular, Eddie seemed to like.  He turned around and looked at her a second time, and she had turned around to look at him too! Oh boy!  Hormone alert!  Sound the alarms!

By the time we were getting ready to leave, the clouds burst open and the rain came pouring down.  I hugged Eddie goodbye and he seemed happy and ready for his new adventure.  I was happy for the rain and the fact that it may have disguised the water in my eyes. 

Kevin and I talked about the mean dorm lady on the way home and our dissatisfaction with the dorm room.  But Kevin said, "You know what, I have a feeling he's going to love it."  He took me to dinner at Olive Garden and I had 1/2 chicken parmesan (removed the cheese), about three bites of spaghetti with marina, and salad.  The bad part:  two breadsticks with alfredo dipping sauce, and a petite chocolate mouse dessert.  Oh well.  Sometimes you just gotta make yourself feel better!

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