Thursday, September 2, 2010

Feeding the Hungries

Have you ever been doing pretty good, watching your calories, and eating healthier, and then you get the REAL kind of hungries more than usual during the day?  Yesterday, for instance, I was just hungry all day, but it wasn't the stress-induced kind that makes you want to chow down on a steak & cheese and some doughnuts.  It was the real, stomach growling, kind of hungry. 

I think this is your body telling you to eat something.  Not crazy eating -- but something healthy.  I did that yesterday.  Was crazy starving when I got home, so I had 1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1 tsp peanut butter.  Went to dinner and had grilled fish, broccoli, salad and baked potato, and two pieces of dark chocolate.  I felt very satisfied after dinner, but a few hours later I had the rumbles again, so I had a vitamuffin top and some milk.  Weighed myself this morning and I had lost half a pound! 

So, what I'm getting at is this:  I think when you get those serious, growling tummy hungries, you better feed the little monster.  It might just help keep away a plateau, and stoke your metabolism.


Christina said...

It is RARE for me to actually feel the true hungries.. cravings yeah, but that's a different story.. haha. Congrats on the weight loss. Those grumblings must've been a sign your stomach shrinking or something and getting rid of the weight, so it gave you a hungry signal? If that makes sense at all..??! But anyways, keep up the good work girrrl!

thefatladysings said...

We are so used to ignoring our bodies' signals that it is sometimes difficult to recognize true hunger. But absolutely, you have to eat regularly to be healthy AND to lose weight, I am finding. And you're right, it's all about stoking the furnace to keep it burning. Cheers!