Today is my regular day off from work. I'm going to miss going out with my bud, Judy, but I'm staying close to the 'burg because I'm sure 95 is going to be a beast today with the holiday weekend.
Woke up at 7:30 (that's sleeping in for me), and immediately started tackling cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. I cleaned from ceiling to floor with the extension swiffer duster. We have a ceiling fan in the bedroom and it generates a ton of dust. I'm now taking a break, eating a bowl of multigrain cheerios and fat-free milk.
Gonna dust and vacuum the rest of the upstairs real quick and cleanup the foyer. A trip to Walmart for some laundry supplies and then I'm going to try to tackle the rest of the downstairs today. My entire downstairs has become a dumping ground for anything and everything, and it's driving me nuts.
I'm feeling inspired today by an article a fellow blogger shared with me yesterday about a young girl that conquered her weight problem. The girl talked about the prejudices against fat people in day to day life. It is so true. I am constantly discriminated against, but bury it down deep. But the article kind of woke me up. I deserve to be thin, and I deserve to be treated right. I'm not going to let some narrow-minded people keep me from being the best that I can be.
But like the girl in the article, I want to change my outside, but I don't want to change the fat girl inside -- the nice, compassionate part of me.
You go girl. I am dreading the cleaning that must be done. You are my inspiration. I think I will try to find the courage to clean the whole house tonight and tomorrow morning. It must be done. Love Ya, and hope you and your family have a great Labor Day weekend.
Ughhh cleaning.. I absolutely hate! You are brave though! Burning calories too!! Woot woot!
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