It took me FOUR friggin hours to get to work this morning. There is nothing worse than driving in rain with a full bladder. I had even contemplated turning around at one point and going home. I should have. What a friggin night mare. 50 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic on the beast.
I got in at 9:00 am and was starving. Ate 2 waffle sticks, 1 and 1/2 pieces of bacon, and a cup of grits with butter. I could have done worse ya'll. There were some muffins and pastries whistling at me, but I walked on by.
Gonna have some soup for lunch, and another salad for dinner.
1 comment:
Oooh I don't envy your commute. I get frustrated just sitting on telegraph road in the morning. I couldn't imagine having to drive in the pouring rain on the beast and being stuck in that mess. Yikes! You did good, avoiding the muffins and pastries. Keep it up. Soup is so comforting on a day like this.
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