Thursday, July 1, 2010

Making Amends

In case you missed my last post, yesterday's dinner was pretty much a fiasco.  Luckily the scale did not do a happy dance and prove it could count any higher.  So today I instituted "Project Recovery."  Two pancakes for breakfast and cranberry juice.  1/2 egg salad sandwich on whole wheat and 1/2 apple for lunch.  For dinner I had a one and one-half chicken patty and corn, complements of Chef Judy, due to a horrific traffic jam on 95.  Should be below my alloted 1600, so hopefully no substantial damage was done from yesterday's dinner.

Tomorrow will be a shopping day for Eddie's dorm stuff.  July 12th here we come!  I've already planned out my meals for tommorow.  Wild Berry Smoothie for breakfast.  Lunch will be at Panera's where I will get the U Pick 2 consisting of 1/2 cafe classic salad (80 cal); 1 cup lo-fat chicken noodle soup (90 cal.); 1 side baguette (160 cal) and watermelon fruit cup (60 cal.) for a total of 390 calories.  For dinner we're going to Mimi's Cafe and I'll have the small Asian Chopped Salad (360 cal.) and a side of fruit (100 cal.). 

Well, I'm wupped.  95 did me in tonight.  Looking forward to staying in and around the 'burg tomorrow!


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